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What are shopping cart ads?

Shopping cart ads are also known as SmartSource (TM) Carts. Supermarket Poster Advertising: Poster ads generally placed next to store entrance or store parking lot. Shelf Display Advertising: Shelf display ads are typically small placards that are placed on products shelves that promote new products or special deals.

Where are shopping cart ads placed?

Shopping Cart Advertising: Ads on shopping carts are generally placed in one of three locations: (1) the display in the child/baby seat, (2) the display inside the front end of the cart and (3) the display outside the front end of the cart. Shopping cart ads are also known as SmartSource (TM) Carts.

What are the different types of advertising on a shopping cart?

According to Media Life Magazine, there are two types of advertisements for shopping carts. The first type are 7 1/2 by 10 1/2 inch signs that can be placed on the ends of carts, either on the inside facing the shopper or on the outside for others to see. The second type are 15-by-36-inch signs placed on the sides of the cart.

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